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ClickBetter Promise 60BinarySniper Alert Robot Participates In The ClickBetter Consumer Promise And Offer You A Fair 60 Days Money Back Guarantee.

60binarysniper is part of the ClickBetter Affiliate Network and therefore your purchase is covered by our no hassle, 60 day money back guarantee policy.

We are very confident in the programs and services sold through our site; however your satisfaction is our number one priority. If for any reason at all you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, just let us know within 60 days and we'll provide you with a prompt, hassle free refund.
This is one of the most comprehensive refund guarantees available for online purchases. After assisting thousands of satisfied customers, we know we can offer our customers this amazing refund policy because we are so confident that you are going to be happy with our products and services.

Simply put, if you are unhappy with your purchase of , we will issue you a complete refund provided you have:

Contacted our dedicated customer support team asking for assistance if required
Submitted your request for a refund within 60 days of making your purchase
Provided a valid reason for requesting a return within 60 days of purchase
Provided a valid report that the charge was fraudulent or unauthorized
For any other reason ClickBetter Support deems appropriate

Your purchase of is made through Marketplace. The name that will appear on your statement is clearly shown on the order page for this product and on the payment receipt page.

Cancellation Notice – Please note that the payment for your purchase of 60binarysniper Alert Robot is not taken for 5 days. This is to ensure that you have plenty of time to receive all of the products that you have purchased through ClickBetter before we bill your card company for the transaction. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you have 5 days to submit a cancellation request to the ClickBetter support team. This period of time should provide you with ample time to go through the product to ensure that you are completely happy with your purchase. Any cancellation request within 5 days will prevent your card from being charged and all purchase logins and memberships will become invalid upon cancellation. Any cancellation requests made after 5 days would then have to go through our refund process.

You can submit a refund request by clicking on the link below:

Submit A ClickSure Cancellation or Refund Request

You can contact us anytime through our support desk here or by calling us toll free at: 1-800-719-1832 between the hours of 8am to 12pm and 4pm to 8pm Monday to Friday. Please note that due to the unreliability of email deliverability, we cannot receive support requests by email.

We make every effort to reply to support tickets within 24hrs Monday – Friday (excluding holidays), however in periods of high demand, if may take a little longer to receive a response.

Once you have completed this process please allow 48 hours for our customer support team to process your request. They will contact you to confirm either your refund has been processed or ask for additional details should they need any.

Please Note – ClickBetter insists that the Seller and Consumer are treated fairly and honesty. Any consumer who is deemed to be abusing the ClickBetter Consumer Promise may have their right to a return revoked and may also be blocked from making future purchases through the ClickBetter platform. Once a refund / cancellation request has been processed, the Seller has the right to terminate all services provided and request an immediate return of all products purchased.

How Will You Be Refunded?

You will be refunded via the method that you purchased
Please allow 7-10 days for refunds to appear in your account.


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